Remove simbl
Remove simbl

remove simbl

Launch your Mac in Recovery Mode (hold Command + R as it starts up), launch Disk Utility, connect an external drive that is at least the size of your startup disk, then hit File > New Image from to create an image of your drive.You'll need a Thunderbolt of Firewire cable, and two Mac computers in order to do this. Boot the problematic Mac in Target Disk mode, then copy your files using the other Mac. Consider booting your Mac in Target Disk mode.

remove simbl

Anything you do here isn't recoverable (there's no Trash to empty). If you made a Time Machine backup you can restore these files easily enough once you've completed your macOS installation.

remove simbl

With your volume mounted, you can use the command line to manually remove files with the rm command I did this anyway and I'm not 100% sure it was required or made a difference. You may also need to mount the individual volume with the diskutil mountĬommand.

  • Run diskutil mountDisk disk0, replacing disk0 with the disk you noted in the previous step.
  • With your volume unlocked, run diskutil list and make a note of the disk on which the volume is stored.

    Enter the password you use to decrypt your drive when you login to your Mac regularly.Unlock the volume by running diskutil coreStorage unlockVolume string, replacing string with the long string you noted in the previous step.Make a note of the volume ID that pertains to your startup disk, it will look like this: E0094318-C181-4AAE-BBAF-661E8B6DFBCB.In Terminal, run diskutil coreStorage list to list volumes.Things get a little trickier here, but this happened to me recently and this is how I resolved it:

    Remove simbl